If one were to go by the what news reports have flashed, the casual attitude of the family towards filing a case was a source of encouragement for the driver. Driver verification in India is about checking and validating the address details provided by the driver. Compiled information in the verification report deems the potential driver's claimed facts to be true as on the date of verification. Again, this case points the finger on the family who had shown laxity towards making the right hiring decision. A criminal record check will help in making sure that the person does not hold any record of any involvement in some criminal offence or some misdemeanour. Verification of existing or prospective drivers helps in mitigating the risks that arise from the nature of the hire and that pose danger against the family's safety and against valuable belongings. While making the hiring decision, one needs to realize the fact that once hired, drivers will frequent the household, thus, equipping them with unsolicited information. A decision based on intuitions are more likely to meet a fate such as this. The recent case of Ghaziabad killing has made headlines in all the newspapers. Allegedly, he went missing 12 days ago. The verification process raises the flags that could come out during address check, criminal record check and reference check. Drivers have access to the owner's household. Conversation with the references provided by the driver can throw light on the personality traits of the person. Allegedly, he had earlier stole Rs 4. It looks evident that the driver would also not have been verified or registered with police before hiring. Later, when he realized that the Goels did not file any criminal compliant against him, he came back for a bigger booty. What if the family had shown a cautious approach and verified him? Then, the family members could have saved themselves from meeting such a fate. Neighbours alerted the nearby police station once they found the door of Goel residence ajar and saw the bodies of Satish Goel, his wife, son, and daughter-in-law Rekha as well as three grandchildren lying on the floor. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure safety of family while hiring a driver.5 lakh from the house and fled the spot. Registering the individual's details with police and checking the authenticity of the potential driver's stated facts are two things that can help you in mitigating the risks wisely. Driver verification is different from driver registration that requires filling out details at the nearest police station for their records.. China LED STREET LIGHT SLRS Company Rahul had worked as a driver for the family for close to six months. Thus, the decision maker is expected to take responsibility of making the right choice that only results in well-being and happiness and convenience for the family. This can prove very hazardous for the family, as have been seen above. As per the news reports, Rahul Verma, an ex-driver of Satish Goel of 22 years of age has been arrested on the charge of killing all the seven members of the Goel family at their residence located in Nai Basti area of Ghaziabad. Not filing a criminal complaint post the theft indicates an attitude quite contrary to the ideal attitude.