Such a coverage provides protection for you, your passengers, or anyone else you list in your policy as an approved driver in case you get into a vehicular accident involving another driver who is either has no insurance or whose insurance coverage is insufficient to cover your costs. Statistics show that a lot of deaths and injuries are caused by automobile accidents. Among the costs that are covered by your insurance company under the uninsured motorist coverage include expenses for hospitalization or treatment, funeral services, car repair or replacement, content damage repair, and disability indemnity among others. You do not want to have to borne the costs of such accidental injuries. Find out from your insurance company how you could add this provision to your policy. Now, you would not really want to get into this situation to prove that you really need such a coverage, would you? Even if it is not a requirement, every motorist should have an uninsured motorist coverage in his own automobile insurance policy. This is the one reason why protecting yourself with a car insurance coverage that includes an uninsured motorist coverage is so important. Your limit for this kind of coverage is normally the same one as your limits for liability coverage. To protect yourself against such eventuality, you should have your insurer add provisions for such damages caused by any uninsured and underinsured motorist. It is important for every motorist should take this optional coverage in his basic liability insurance coverage. Such expenses should be borne by the other driver and his automobile insurance. This kind of coverage is called as the uninsured-underinsured motorist coverage. In cases when the driver is not insured or does not have enough insurance coverage, you will have no choice but to shoulder the costs yourself. The amount of insurance money that you can claim for these expenses would be the limit for which you are insured under your uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage in your automobile insurance policy. Some companies might have minimum required limits for uninsured-underinsured coverages. In some cases when these drivers do have coverages, they do not have enough in their limits to cover damages they cause on another driver and his vehicle. While your China Led Street lamps Factory basic policy can take care of personal injury and property damage that you cause on a third party, it does not cover your own personal injury and any damage to your car caused by another driver. The provisions under this particular coverage are added on to your basic policy and you are charged additional premium for including this coverage on your automobile insurance coverage. Ask about such optional coverage before you finalize your car insurance policy.. While most states in America require all motorists to carry liability coverage in their car insurance policies, not all drivers comply with such a requirement. You might scoff at the additional expense but you will only realize its benefits when you actually get into an accident as a result of a negligent underinsured or uninsured driver. You can get yourself in a financial bind this way. There are, however, some insurance companies that allow you to increase your uninsured-underinsured coverages up to the maximum limit which is usually your limit in your liability coverage.